Thursday, April 22, 2010

What Things Does Google Result Counts

Google Search Result is always based on the basic things. These basic things are and will always be the key in SEO. These are:
 1. Keyword Density
 2. Keyword prominence
 3. Back links
 4. Content

Keyword density
The density of keyword is a very important aspect. It affects the ranking of your page. The higher the keyword density the higher is your rank so one should always include a 30-40 word paragraph containing keyword rich content, thus increasing the keyword density.
Keyword prominence
The keywords you have chosen should appear in Title, Meta Tags and H tags with some occurrence in the body also. So you should not define "Google Search Result" without putting the word "Google Search Result"" in the body of the definition. This means H and P tags should go hand parallel to each other for the effectiveness of the keyword for that page.

Page rank and back links
The more is the inbound links to your site, the better will be the page rank of your site. Also it is important to put relevant links to your site. Google also takes into consideration the words (or Anchor text) that appear in your back links.

Content of your site is the key thing. Write natural contents with a good flow and users will be interested reading it. Do Not bother about the Search Engine Bot while writing the content. The content loved by readers will be also loved by the bot. 

The best proof of it is you are reading till the last line of this post because it has the content for you to help you.

How To Search And Download ebooks From Google? A Simple Trick

To find a book online is sometimes a very tedious job. You need a specific book from the Internet, and you are trying every kind of keywords for it, but all in vein. So what to do then? Try a few search codes to find a book online. I think this piece will help you a lot next time you are sitting there to find a book. These tricks are tried by me personally and they worked for me. 
+("index of") +("/ebooks"|"/book") +(chm|pdf|zip|rar) +Topic of the book

To Find a particular eBook file
Try this query:

allinurl: +(rar|chm|zip|pdf|tgz) TheTitle of the book

Happy Book searching for you!!!!! @@ CHEERS

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dominating The Search Engine

Dominating the search result is the most challenging task in SEO. Doing seo and to dominate are quite different things. Dominating is lot of a tricky task. I am going to figure out a few what I consider are the most important and basic things:
1. Register a good domain name for your site that contain your most important and competitive keyword.
2. Make the pages of your sites named accurately. Get specific names for the page, like services.html or contact.html
3. Build as many links for your site as you can. Rely more on quality link related to your site's theme. Opting for directory submission services is a wise thing which is one-linking. You can also do two-way and three-way link building. 
4. Get some well written articles for your site and you deal with. Submit them to good article directories with good page rank. Check that the pages of these sites are cashed regularly by search engine Bots.
5. Name the images used in your site according to the image only like if its an apple name it apple.jpg etc.
6. Get profiles on as many Social Networking as you can. 
7. Participate in forum discussion about your site and work. But dont through unnecessary links there or you will be declared spammer by site admin. 

SEO Techniques And Practices

Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is now a days a very essential part of ones business online. As nowadays we meet many of our needs online. We go online to meet many of our needssay for example: electronics item like mobile, cameras, laptops, washing machine etc. to count a few among many other things even groceries. We just fing the best deal for us which meets our need and wallet. So the basic idea is that you opt to purchase those items only which are found in the top of a search engine result like on Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.
So all you need to get your business on the top search result called "SERP" is to get SEO Services for your business product or you can say the website through which you run your business. There are a Thousands of SEO Service Providers all across the World. lets not go into that here.
The other most important part of SEO is that - "Know Your Keywords". This is because any SEO Service Provider will need your keywords depending on the nature of your business. It may be that you are focussing only in your local territory or may be in your own country only, or globally. So the keywords need miderate modifications to get on top of your competitors. Like If you are dealing in Real Estate In India You would like to have the keywords - Real Estate in India, Best House Deals in India, Affordable House Deals in India etc. These search result will customize your optimization on search result.
But if you will take Real Estate, Best House Deals, Affordable House Deals etc., it will work as a global keywords. These keywords will take a hell lot of your time to get ranked.
The next big thing is to get a well written content content for your site. A well written content by you for your site is always upto the mark for your site and will contain the balance of your keywords of your business. As search engine loves to read natural contents. And Nature always contains beauty in itself.
 Suppose the visitor is looking for "Best House Deals in India". You are on the top ten Google result. You have a chance to get clicked then, by that visitor. You already have a excellent content and information about your services. Then the visitor will make a mind to contact you for his need. (Else he will jump on to the other results available.)
The vistor who will love your content and information regarding the particular search will try to get a deal with you, and you are there for it. Are not you? A happy customer always helps you in getting another customer for you by "Word Of Mouth". As he will be praising you to his friends and family about you and this will work for you.
Have a trace of the results periodically. Get into optimizing the more you can. Dominate the search result for the keywords.
There are four golden steps of SEO and to get good business out of it. Follow these and you will be Bang On Target-
1. Attract Visitors
2. Convert Visitors Into Potential Customers
3. Retain And Grow Customers Like A Chain
4. Measure And Optimize

Monday, April 19, 2010

Get A FeedBurner Account for Your Blog Today

If you dont have a FeedBurner Account for your blog this is the guide that will guide you to install or set up one for you. 
Step By Step Method To Get FeedBurner : 
Since FeedBurner is owned by Google, you need to have a Google email account. Sign up for a free, This is simple and fast.
Go to FeedBurner and sign in with your new Google email account.
After you've signed in, you will see "Burn a Feed right this instant", just type in your blog URL, and click NEXT
It will take you to another page where you can see your Feed Title, and your Feed Address. If everything is correct and you 're happy, then click NEXT
Now you are on another page, read over it carefully! Don't worry; it is a short summary telling you that your Feed is now live! Click Next
You're now on yet another page, read over it! I usually leave this page alone and just click NEXT
Now you are in your Feed account homepage, click on PUBLICIZE tab
On your left side bar, click on Email Subscription, and click on ACTIVATE
On this page you will find the codes for your blog, copy these codes, and go to your blog layout.
Choose where you want to place this widget on your blog, click on Add Element, click on HTML/Javascript, and paste the codes onto its element. Make sure to save your work!
To offer subscription via readers, go to your FeedBurner, click on PUBLICIZE, click on Chicklet Chooser on the left side bar, and it will take you to another page.
You can either pick what readers you would want to offer to your viewers, or just use FeedBurner standard icon, and scroll down to the bottom to get your codes.
Copy and paste these codes to your blog in the same manner as you've done with the email subscription.
Your blog is now ready for subscribers! Once you have FeedBurner feed, you can also earn Google adsense for your feed. 
Many services such as Technorati, NetWorkedBlog, or Amazon Kindle Publishing will ask for this feed, and you can provide them with your blog feed from FeedBurner. 
If you have more than one blog, repeat these same steps for each blog! 

10 Bing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips

As Bing has emerged as a great Search Engine in the queue of Google, Yahoo and many other Search Engines, people specially Webmasters wants to know more about it as how to improve their sites ranking and position on BING. Bing is very much the same like Google and Yahoo but it has some different kind of algo and methodologies follwed like any other. As every search engine follows some different kind of working methodology. Here are some steps you will love to follow for your site to rank on Bing:
Tip 1: Web Page Title
It is very important that your page title contains the key words that would summarize the contents of your page and you are focussing to target on for the audience. 
Tip 2: Your Web Domain Age
Bing loves websites with older domains. The earlier you register/create your domain, the better Bing will know and rank you website. So if you are looking into developing a new website, it would be best to purchase or use an older domain.
Tip 3: The right Text and The Right Measure For It
Bing appears to give pages with 300 – 500 words with higher rankings. Unlike Google, Yahoo, or Cuil, Bing focus more on the relevance of the page title to the contents on the page.
Tip 4: A lot of Quality Links
Build as many quality back links to your website as possible. However, a good link is sometimes better than 100 regular links and a bad link will actually lower your rankings. So be sure that the links to your page are strongly relevant to your websites contents.
Tip 5: Static Links Are Better
Is best to keep all your URLs static and simple. A static URL is easier to bookmark and easier to index for search engine especially BING.
Tip 6: Linking To Other Web Pages
In contrast to Google, Bing does not penalize your page rankings if you create a link to a page outside of your website. 
You can still have external links while not get penalized. All you have to do is to add rel=”nofollow” in all your link tags.
EX: ‹a href=”samplelink.html” rel=”nofollow” >
Tip 7: Be Friendly To The Bing Crawlers
Be sure to have a “robots.txt” file in your main directory that allows the MSNBot to crawl your site. You should also prevent web crawlers from crawling specific files and folders.
Tip 8: Organized HTML Coding Style
Bing likes web pages that are designed and coded according to W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standards. This means that you should design web pages with well-formed HTML tags & codes, be sure that your page does no have any unclosed tags or broken links. You can use the W3C validation service to test your page for optimum Bing result.
Tip 9: Update Your Page Status Regularly
If a page from your website is removed or changed to a different URL location, then you need to redirect your visitors to that new web page.
Tip 10: Protect Your Users
Your web site should not lead visitors to unwanted malware or third-party websites that contain malicious contents or contents that are unrelated to your page.
Some more useful Bing Optimization tips:
1. Register your website at Bing Webmaster. This way you can see the full report/analysis of your website on Bing.
2. Adding rel=nofollow in your link tags will prevent link juice leakage and prevent search engine link penalization.
    EX: ‹a href=”samplelink.html” rel=”nofollow” >
3. Bing Site Submission:
Hope you will get your site be able to rank and indexed on Bing now keeping in mind the points that I have mentioned in this post. 

Explaining Twitter And The Tweets

Many of my friends often wonder the use and importance of Twitter. They say - "What is this Twitter all about?"That is the reply I get most often when I talk about Twitter to friends and family.  And when I explain them the way how Twitter operates, they ask, "Why would anyone use Twitter for blogging and other purpose when you dont have a separate inbox etc and everything here is public?"
Twitter is a Mini Blog
Twitter is a mini update usually containing 140 characters. It is a popular features of social networks where you can update your status.
It is a kind of mini blogging, for people who want to blog but don't want to blog on platforms like blogger etc. A personal blog can keep people informed on what is going on in your life and in and around you, but not everyone has the time to spend an hour crafting a beautiful post about them or what they think. Sometimes, you just want to say "I am not feeling well today" or "I want to see Sachin Tendulkar winning for Mumbai Indians In IPL3."
So what is Twitter? It's a great place for keeping people informed on what you are up to without the need to spend a lot of time creating an entire post on any topic you want to speak your mind on.
Twitter is Social Messaging: - While Twitter was started as a mini-blogging service, it is grown into much more than simply a tool to type in quick personal status updates. So when asked "What is Twitter?", I often describe it as a "cross product of blogging and instant messaging" to describe it roughly in plain and simple language.
At Twitter - social messaging you can follow people and have followers, and even you can have Twitter on your cell phone and interact with people whenever you like. Twitter has become the perfect social messaging tool. Whether you are out on the town and want to connect with a group of people , or keeping people informed of developments at the event or task you are out for, Twitter is a great tool for quickly communicating a message to a group of people.
Twitter is also emerging as a media to comment on world activities i.e. you can speak your mind on persons, politics, event etc.
Twitter is News Reporting : - Turn on CNN, BBC or any other news-reporting service and you'll be able to see whats going on in the world around and you can also see your favourite media person's comments and opinion on that particular event.
With utilities like Twitterfeed, it is easy to get an RSS feed converted into Twitter updates. This makes it easy to use Twitter as a form of social media marketing. This is also a strong SEO Tool nowadays. There are tools which can post any webcontent on Twitter in the form of short hybrid URLs. A example of this URL is - You cannont predict from this URL what is inside this URL.
After discussing so many things we are now in a situation to say exactly what Twitter is. It is many different things to many different people. It can be used by a family or group or friends to keep in touch, or a company to coordinate business, or the media to keep people informed or a writer to build up a fan base. Twitter is micro/mini-blogging. It is social messaging medium, a business tool, a news reporting service and a marketing utility in SEO.
I hope my friends will read this post to whom Twitter was not clear as to what it is actually. So start twittering about your own status to your friends and group you are associated with and you want them to be in touch with you.

Twitter Widgets

Twitter is the new Buzz for Tech Savvy personel involved in Web2.0 and Blogging. A Twitter widget with latest updates is a integrated part of Blogs these days. Most of the Twitter widgets on Blog are either Flash based or Javascript based. There are many other tools that can be used in creating a Twitter Widget. You can even use Google Spreadsheets for the purpose of creating Twitter Widgets. The most exciting and interesting thing is that twitter updates can be shown on blogs and images. And these images can be used anywhere be it forums, blogs, websites, or any other Social Media Profile.

1. Tweetsnap ( - When you open up tweetsnap, you will see a simple page with a field to enter your twitter username. After you enter your name and hit the Find button, you'll see your most recent tweet on a nice bluish Twitter widget that is in image format (png). Below it, you'll find snippets of code to copy and paste on your site. Just copy what's desirable for you and use it on your blog, forum etc.
2. Retweet Button : - Move over Digg, there's a new article badge in town. Retweet buttons are becoming increasingly popular for blogs and news articles, and they are relatively simple to install. You can put these buttons on your website, blog, embed them in email or even put them in your RSS feed.
3. Twoxit Widget : - This simple Twitter widget from Widgetbox is easily customizable, so you can match the background to your blog. You can also easily transport the widget to Facebook, MySpace  or any number of social networking profiles or blogging networks like WordPress or Blogger.
4. SayTweet ( - It first asks you to upload one of your images. You can also add a group photo of you and your friends. This amazing tool lets you add your Twitter update on this image in speech bubbles. The unique feature of this is that you can add multiple Twitter usernames and show tweets from everyone. I think it's the coolest way to display tweets.

Friday, April 16, 2010

You Have A Brand New Site What To Do Now For Its Optimization

There are many people who make or are planning to make a great sites or blogs etc with very good information in it. But many of us don't know how to get the site indexed in Google, Yahoo, Bing Etc. This blog is intended for those people and many of us to help them with their sites. This will teach you how to popularize your site from very beginning starting from getting a domain to using SEO Tecniques(Basic). These are the steps you can care about for your site:-
1. The first thing is that look for a good URL name for your site so that it contains one of your many keywords about your site's content. And choose that name also for your Twitter, Facebook, Wordpress, Gmail or any other account. Because we want our site to get indexed as soon as possible on the web. And if possible we can make create these accounts even before the launch of our site/blog. 
2. Select a Good Domain provider like Godaddy. they are very genuine domain providers with a more than million customers. They have a lots of tools built into their service and the best thing is is that they have good customer support. 
3. Avoid using dashes, commas or hyphens etc in your URL name. You think of a good name for your website try getting that nam,e registered as soon as possible. As good names do not wait for you for long, someone else will take that name and you will loose a good domain name which could have boosted your business or product. Good things never wait longer you have to grasp them ASAP if available. 
4. Create good content for your website. Organise your website. Use good HTML codes to make your website. Avoid duplicate contents in your content. Use appropriate tags where ever necessary. Make your webpages light in weight so that it loads up ASAP when the visitor lands on your page else the visitor will skip to some other link for meet their need. Will you like this to happen, I think no body will like this. 
5. Get a Twitter account in the name of your registered domain. Set a link of your website in the Twitter account. Start Twittering. This will help you make ground for you to populate your links. This will help you in getting a place in the organic search result for your website. 
6. Get a Facebook account for your site. Start talking about your site, products and services with your friends. This will make your product public much before you will launch the site. 
7. A Gmail account is most important aswell. A gmail account will help you in doing your sites SEO if you are doing it yourself. As Gmail has great SEO Tools Like Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools and it gives you access to many other accounts like You Tube. Also setup a LinkedIn account and put your site's link there. The aim is to set as many links as you can pointing towards your website and remember these links are quality links. 
8. You can opt for a blog of your site on your website domain itself. Keep updating that blog on a regular basis. This will drive huge traffic to your website. If this is not possible then you can also opt for the services of Blogger for your blog. Make the blog URL on Blogger with the same URL that you are owning for your site. This will eventually bring traffic to your primary website. But Dont forget to talk about your product and services and other essential things related to your business in your blog on a regular basis. Search Engines like Fresh content and quality content about or on any subject. Search Engine will give prefrence to that. 
9. Make as many quality link for your site as you can. I will suggest One Way Link building for this through directory submission. Submit your site to as many online directories to your relevant category. Never spam your link, otherwise Google will penalize you for this. 
10. Write a few good article about your site, services and products and submit them to article directories. Submit them to directories with good PR. 
These are the basic things that all of us can do with a little bit Googling and asking from friends and collegues who have some knowledge on this. Follow these steps and your site will certainly get good visibility and quality audience. 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Web Video Optimization Techniques

Optimizing web videos has become very important as the use and size of videos has increased on the Web. Here are some practices used prominently by many people.

While streaming-media files make up only a small portion of the total web objects on the average web page. YouTube is responsible for about 10% of all traffic on the Internet (Nowak 2007) and is growing at over 162% a year (see Table 1). Consequently the optimization of streaming media, movies in particular, is important to minimize load times, reduce bandwidth bills, and maximize web page speed.
Unique Visitors (1000s)
(Jan 2010)
Year-over-year growth
1. YouTube
2. Google Video
3. AOL Video
4. Yahoo! Video
6. MSN Video

Video Production Tips

To create highly optimizable videos you've got to have high quality originals videos. Video creation is like a war for your promotion of product. Use a high quality digital video camera to make your video, as there will be less noise in your video content. Minimize pans, zooms, and subject motion and make sure your subject is well oriented and visible and loud for the audiences to catch their attention. Use a simple background and a solid tripod for the camera. Avoid hand-held shots, but if a tripod is not an option use a gyroscopic stabilizer or an image stabilized lens. The lower the noise, movement, and fine detail in the background the smaller the video. Smaller the video the less space it will need on the web server and the faster it will be available to the user.
  • Minimize camera motion with a tripod
  • Minimize subject motion
  • Use a lot of light
  • Use a simple background
  • Avoid camera pans and zooms
  • Use professional equipment
  • Use a digital format

Video Optimization for the Web

Movies optimized for the web should be short in duration, small in dimension, and optimized with the appropriate codec. I have seen movies that are 12 to 20 minutes long auto-loaded on home pages some 90-150MB in file size! People are more accepting of temporal compression (over time) than spatial compression (frame per frame). You can cut the frame rate from 15fps to 10fps or even 8fps, each frame will have 50 percent more data per frame for the same file size, which will increase the quality of the picture. The minimum dimensions should be 320x240 pixels, anything much smaller has less impact and is hard to view. For users with a high speed connection you can offer a 400x300 pixel video. To maintain quality, up the data rate in proportion to the image size. Remember that doubling image size (320x240 to 640x480) requires a 4X (not 2X) increase in data rate.
Use this data rate formula to help target your movie for the right delivery medium (especially with H.264).
Data Rate = (frames per second) X (movie width) X (movie height) divided by 29000
This translates to DR = FPS * W * H / 29000.
For example: A 320x240 movies with 15 frames per second needs to be compressed to about 39.7K of data per second.
After you've captured your video while minimizing noise edit any unnecessary frames and add titles and effects. The key to optimizing movies on the web is to break them up into smaller segments that are a few minutes long at most. Edit out the parts of the movie that aren't essential to your message, crop fuzzy edges, and reduce the dimensions to keep them to a reasonable file size. Use the minimum frame rate that gives an acceptable playback. Finally after editing out nonessential content, reducing dimensions and frame rate, optimize your videos with different codecs to see which creates the smallest acceptable file.
  • Crop the fuzzy edges
  • Reduce video noise (with filters)
  • Adjust contrast
  • Adjust gamma level (for cross-platform viewing)
  • Restore black and white
  • Deinterlace

Compressing Videos for the Web

Now that you've got your video prepared and adjusted it's time to compress it. This is called "encoding" in the jargon of the industry. You must compress the size of your video so it can be successfully streamed (or downloaded) to your target audience. Encoding is the process where this compression happens, and it is full of hard interdependent decisions:
  • Streaming Media Format - QuickTime versus RealMedia versus Windows Media
  • Supported playback platforms - Microsoft Windows versus Macintosh, or both
  • Delivery method - True real-time streaming versus HTTP streaming
  • Overall data rate - Compression versus quality versus bandwidth required
  • Audio quality - Mono versus stereo.
  • Codec - H.264, Sorenson and WMV are the current champs.
  • You'll need to make some decisions here to give the best compromise between quality and size. QuickTime Pro is a fast and convenient way to create optimized videos. For more control you can use Cleaner, a product made by Discreet ( Sorenson Video Pro can sometimes make smaller videos than H.264 at similar quality. Finally Episode Pro offers maximum control over video compression with the ability to compress to H.264, Flash, ipod, and other formats. 
There are many terms which are quite technical here. Need some more Googling on those terms for you to undersatand them clearly as all these things are related to Video Making and many of us are not aware with all these terms. Need not to worry even I understood these things by extensive search on related sited. I have tried to give resources for those things. Hope you will find them usefull as well.

Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is a term coined by Rohit BHargava an Indian man. He has related this concept with SEO concepts. He said SMO can bring lots of traffic to your site through new channel or routes as it is not only through Google and Yahho or other search engines that drive traffic to your site. 

SMO is - The online tool and platform that people use to share opinions, thoughts, experiences, and perspectives with each other. Social media can take many different forms, including text, images, audio, and video. Popular social mediums include blogs, message boards, podcasts, wikis etc. Example are Facebook, Twitter, Buzz, My Space, etc to count a few.

Social Media Optimization allows to let you populate your links on the web. These links are spread into all your friends and community connections. When sending your links to persons with like interest can give great exposure to your links with your message.   

Rules For SMO Are :- 

1. Increase Your Linkability
2. Make Tagging and Bookmarking easy
3. Reward Inbound Links 
4. Help Your Content Travel
5. Encourage the Mashup
6. Be a User Resource, Even if it Doesn't Help You 
7. Reward Helpful and Valuable Users
8. In way it sounds a whole lot like Marketing 2.0. It is pretty much includes all the new marketing techniques that are becoming popular rolled into one,     techniques such as; Linkbaiting, Usability Design, Buzz Marketing, Community Building, and anything that can be considered "pull marketing".
9. Participate - Join the conversation. Social Media is a two way street, lets not forget that. By conversing with the community you are creating awareness and prolonging your buzz. You are keeping it going and this often results in a snowball effect. Participating helps your message spread further and faster. 
10. Know how to target your audience - If you don't even know your target audience you are in trouble. There is always going to be a certain audience you can appeal to and others that you can't. So know your appeal and who it is appealing to. 
11. Create content - There are certain kinds of content that just naturally spread socially. It does not matter what industry you are in and what boring products you sell, there is always some kind of content that can be created that will be useful for someone. Whether it is creating widgets, making people laugh, or writing a anything, it can be done. Know what type of content can work for you and create it.
12. Be real.

While social media optimization is becoming very important we should not forget about old SEO either. Google and Yahoo still drive mass amounts of traffic and you can not ignore them. It is all about exploring new mediums and riding these waves. But Still these new mediums are a strong way to do good for your site to do better ranking and business in terms of driving traffic to the site. 

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tag Clouds

Tag Clouds

Since last few days I was thinking to write something on Tag Clouds. Done many reading and probings. finally I came up with this piece of information to put it on my blog.

A Tag Cloud is a to show content tags used in a website. The tags that are frequently used are shown in some larger font, or they are put in bold characters. These tags are arranged generally in alphabetical order. When you put mouse curser on a particular tag the no of contents or pages available related to that tag is displayed there. There are various sizes for different tags so as to provide relative importance of the tags depending on the links attached with the tag.

There Are Three Types Of Tag-Clouds:

These three types of clouds are classified according to their meaning and not according to their appearance. In the first type, there is a tag cloud for each separate kind of content/item. In the second type there are global tag clouds where the occurrence among all  content/item and users. 
In the first type of Tag Cloud, size of cloud represents the total number of times the particular tag has been applied to a single ITEM. This is useful in displaying Meta Data of an ITEM that has been voted. Like some music track which displays the genre with which an artist or track has been tagged.  
In the Secong Tag Cloud Type - more commonly used type tags are included. It is based on size, represented by the number of items where the tag has been applied as a identity for the content. Like we have tagged some Website designing company with the tag - Website / Web Design. The more no of sites are tagged with this word the more will be the popularity of this tag. We can see this in Bookmarking Sites.

In the Third type of Tag Clouds - tags are used for categorizing for CONTENT / ITEMS. The tags are represented in a Tag Cloud in which large tags represents the quantity of content items in that category of tag. 

Tag Cloud Generators:
We have a lots of options to generate tag clouds. These tag cloud generating tools analyze the keywords, or the most frequent words being used in the texts or in the content of the website.  Static Website needs different kind of tools for this whereas the Dynamic sites need some special plug-ins to display and generate the Tag Clouds. 

1. Google Tag Cloud Maker
2. TagCrowd
3. TagmyCloud
4. Tag Cloud
5. Text Tagcloud
6. Tag Cloud Generator
7. MakeCloud
8. ZoomClouds
You can Google these terms and use any of the available services for generating tag clouds for your website. 
This Is The Tag Cloud For My Blog:

   Page Rank
   Web 2.0

Monday, April 5, 2010

Few Quick SEO Tips For Yahoo, Bing & Google Search Engines

Be The Leader - Yahoo, Bing & Google Search Engines

To get well ranked on a search engine is really a dream for all Search Engines Professionals. We all follow the normal techniques for our sites to do well. We all put in that a lot of efforts. If we can organize ourself and follow some simple steps you will get a good response for sure. 
I am writing here some short tips in a organized way - that we all know:

1. Optimize, Organize and Update your website content(do keep in mind to write content only on your website theme, products and services) on a regular basis. Keep in mind your theme and you will have a good content written at the end when you will finish up writing. This content will be loved by the targeted audiences as well as by the search engines too.

2. Track the Meta Title and Meta Description Tags along with other Meta Tags. These tags are very important for your sites to get searched and indexed.  

3. Be sure to add your main keywords(Search Phrases) in the Title and Description Meta Tags. Keep the title and description length as per the specifications.

4. Link Exchange only with quality sites that matches your sites theme and business products. High quality links will attract and persuade your visitors. Visitors will get sticked to your site.

5. Avoid pushing yourself to "Link Farming"!!!. Create quality inbound links through Social Bookmarking, Article Submission, Social Media Platforms like - Facebook, Twitter etc. and Press Releases.

6. Improve your site download times. Sites having slow download times will makes your visitors to bounce to some another site for their need.   

-->What Is Link Farming?

It is a process of exchanging links with websites in order to make good search engine optimization result. The idea is to increase the number of sites that link to your site, because Search Engines loves this. But When you will make this practice into pushing your links Google will penalize you for this and will consider this as SPAM. 

Stick @@@@ quality links only!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Links And Resources

Green Hat Softech, SEO Company Delhi
Free Web Directory | SEO Solution | Best SEO Services 
Pc Diagnostic
Marketing & SEO Blogs

Blog Directory
SEO blogs

World In My Opinion, World News, Indian News, Technical News
Green Hat Softech, SEO Company Delhi


Seo Process

Search Engine Optimization and SEO Tools

The Idea Behind SEO Trends & Tricks

Hello Guys.

Great appreciation to you all on landing this page and having given your valuable time to look into this blog. I got an idea to share with my friends and team-mates the knowledge I have. Many a times we are all known with many things but usually it is not possible for all of us to grasp and keep in mind all the things taht we know. I started this blog as a initiative to make together major SEO Trends & Tricks followed in the real time and having success.

SEO Trends & Tricks- Will bring many new and emerging trends that is widely followed by some very well know SEO's round the globe. I am very sure you will follow my blog and provide me with your ideas and thoughts to make this blog really useful.This blog will help you in optimizing your Web Sites and Web Contents. I Will add many things that are useful. I will try to make sure that I only provide you facts and trends that are successful and that I personally trust upon.

Need For SEO Trends & Tricks:

Being a SEO myself I felt the need to start such a thing that will help me as well as a lot of SEO's around.

Whats More That You Will See Here In Future?

You Will Some very good article on Technogy mainly on computers. As I am also a computer Technology article writer. I Started this as I have a Bacheolor Of Technology degree in Information Technology. So I have a understanding in computer related things and trends.

And you will continue reading latest trends being followed in SEO.

Marketing SEO blogs  

   Natural Optimization    Google   Optimisation   Mini Sites   Directory Submission   Articles
   Title   Online Business   Traffic   Website   Wordpress   seo   Page Rank   Search Engine   Backlinks   Blog   Ranking   Bing   Yahoo   Bookmarking   Web 2.0   SEO Result   Domain   Web Marketing   Link Exchange   SEM   Web   Analytics   Adsense   RSS

What is Google Knol & How To Use Google Knol Effectively?

What is Google Knol & How To Use Google Knol Effectively?

The main idea behind Google Knol is to put you in control of sharing your expertise and knowledge with the world. According to Google, a knol is

a single unit of knowledge, and the Google Knol is a platform for sharing that knowledge.

Google Knol is actually more like Squidoo and Hubpages that allow you to write and publish a web page on any subject. For example, you can

open up your Google Knol with a team of people or even open it up to the public. This means you don't have to be the author ow writer of your

Knol by yourself. You can be part of a team even you can yourself own the knol.

How To Create a Google Knol?

To start writing on Google Knol is a simple process. The only thing you need is a Google Account. Once you sign into your account, you can start

writing your Knol by clicking on the big "Write a Knol" button in the upper right corner of the home page. To make it easy, this button exists on

most pages in Google Knol, so you can start writing your own Knol from almost anywhere.

The process of writing a Knol is very simple. You are provided with a WYSIWYG editor, and except for a few things like a title and a summary, you

do most of your work writing your Knol just as you might write something in Microsoft Word.

For those who know HTML, its easier to see and edit the code directly. You can even create your own styles of your Knol. This makes Google

Knol different from wikis or other web hubs.

Why To Use Google Knol?

There are many different reasons to being using Google Knol. If you like sharing what you know, Google Knol is an excellent choice along with

wikis and other web hubs. Google Knol is also great for those wanting to create a web hub with a small team of people but don't want to open it

up to the entire world.

Here are a few ideas for using Google Knol:

>>Writing about something you are an expert on
>>Sharing your love and knowledge of a hobby
>>Creating your own personal web page all about you
>>Promoting a product or an event
>>Answering a frequently asked question or dispelling an urban myth
>>Making a little extra money by putting advertisements on your Google Knol

So what are you waiting for? Start Knolling by writing something you are well known with. Share your knowledge with the world. You can also create a knol page for the content or website you want the world to know. Make your content original and genuine. I am sure your Knol will appear in the search result.

Cheers!!! Start knolling........

Content Strategy

Content Strategy is an vast emerging field of practice within the discipline of User Experience Design (UXD). It also describes in a professional context the roles, work products, knowledge, methodology, and perspectives of content strategists.
Content is a substance. No matter the publication , platform, or format, content refers to everything that conveys meaning. Content includes the text, graphics, video, and audio that make up an interactive experience. Technically, Web content can be anything that
appears on a website, including words, pictures, video, sounds, downloadable files (PDF), buttons, icons, and logos. Everything is content.

Prominent Content Strategists
1. e bay
2. Facebook
3. Verizon
4. General Mills etc.....
Content Strategy Work Products
The work products typical of content strategy are diverse:
* Content inventory
* Copy deck
* Content assessment
* Editorial strategy
* Content audit
* Content gap analysis
* Comparative content analysis
* Content and messaging strategy
* Content conversion/migration strategy
* Content flow schematic
* Content approval workflow
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy
* Metadata strategy
* Editorial calendar
* Brand strategy
* Style guide

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Articles Exchange

Articles exchange is a new and powerful way to achieve mutual website promotion and to improve your website Google PageRank.

As you know, major search engines are trying to diminish the value of traditional text link exchange. They created and successfully implemented different algorithms to find out if links, which are pointing to your website, belong to link exchange companies and are not natural links that webmasters place as a result of your websites' recognition and appreciation.

In order to make your website popular and successful, you must find a way to have your website mentioned or linked on relevant websites and you must make sure links do not belong to any link exchange farms.