Yesterday I have launched another Blog named Article Flood. The Objectives of the blog are - "Article Flood is an initiative taken providing useful and
informative articles and contents. Guest Bloggers and Authors are
invited to add their articles on almost everything like science,
Technology, Travel, Medicines, Health, SEO, Businesses, Beauty Care etc.
Please try maintaining the quality here and get maximum exposure to
their articles by being promoted. Looking forward for this."
Lets make this a beautiful Article Blog for us. This is just a start. After a few months we are planning to make it bigger. This will be a great site for sure to post your articles. Articles will be live after quality check by the Admin and will be allowed to post a Link in the post body and a link in the Author Bio.
After the recent Panda Update, we felt the need of this blog, to help you reach millions of people. We are promoting this Article Blog on a massive scale. Looking forward for your support.
Thanks & Regards
In association with seo-trends-tricks.blogspot